1 Brightwell House , 40 Queens Road , Reading , RG1 4AU

Thriving and Surviving with Parkinsons

Top Tips..... Antidotes and helpful hints from Parkinson suffers


This can improve gait and steadiness. Discuss with a podiatrist as it can be different for each suffer.

For many people, problems with gait
(the way you walk) may be one of the earliest signs of Parkinson's.

It is important to be aware of some of the main issues you may experience in your feet and ankles.
You may notice that you have difficulties with balance.
Your posture may worsen.
You may experience mobility problems such as stiffness in your muscles.
These issues can mean that your pattern of walking changes and some people find that their stride gets shorter. You may also experience Freezing, where your feet feel glued to the ground and it is difficult to take a step.
Rather than striking the ground with your heel and then pushing off with your toes, you may shuffle, or walk in a more flat footed way.
A flat footed gait can caused foot, leg and even knee pain. It can lead to stiffness or muscle contractions. This is when the muscles tighten and shorten on their own.
In the long term these problems may affect your mobility. They may also lead to pressure problems such as hard skin on the soles of your feet.

Exercise is good for everyone and it,s especially good for you if you have Parkinson's. It can help you manage your physical Parkinson's symptoms and continue with day to day activities.
If you have problems with your feet it is important that you do exercise that is right for you. This could be as simple as chair-based exercises or muscle stretches.
When exercising, make sure that your footwear fits securely and has a supportive sole. A trainer-style shoe will give support, but it is important to choose trainers that are right for the type of exercise you are doing. 
A custom-made insole can also spread the impact of your foot hitting the ground over the whole of the sole of your foot. This will help to improve the way you walk and allow your foot and calf muscles to work more effectively.

General foot care tips.

Wash your feet daily in warm, but not hot, water with a gentle soap that does not irritate the skin. Do not soak them for longer that an average bath time, as this may destroy some of the skins natural oils.
Dry your feet carefully especially between the toes.
If your skin is dry, use moisturising cream all over your feet except between your toes.
You should file your toenails weekly with a nail file ( Emery board)
Do not cut corns and callous, or use "corn plasters". These contain strong acids, which, if not used properly can lead to burns or ulcers.
Do not use the same pair of shoes all the time. This will lengthen the life of each pair of your shoes and spread pressure on your feet.

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