Brightwell House , 40 Queens Road , Reading , RG1 4AU

Saddaf Qureshi

Bsc(hons)Pod RCPod
HCPC Registered Podiatrist/ Chiropodist

Saddaf qualified from the University of Brighton in 2013. Since then, she has worked in both
Private Practice and in the NHS. She spent the first four years as the lead Podiatrist in a
Private Practice and the following four years in the NHS, specialising in Wound Care and
High-Risk Diabetics. Saddaf enjoys the variety that is involved in Private Practice with general
footcare, but her passion mainly lies in Nail Surgery and the Higher Risk foot. Saddaf is a
very people person and loves meeting new people in her line of work and helping them
through their podiatric problems.
Outside the World of Podiatry, Saddaf has three young children and is kept on her toes with
them. Her hobbies include reading, going for walks and spending time with her family and 


Professional Registration:

Health and Care Professions Council - CH35076

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