1 Brightwell House , 40 Queens Road , Reading , RG1 4AU

Ingrowing Toenails

Who gets ingrowing toenails?

Active sporty people are particularly prone as they usually get hot and sweaty feet.

Younger people are often quite likely to get them through picking their nails or poor nail care.

Other common causes of ingrowing toenails are those wearing support hose that squash the toes, people wearing shoes with tight toe boxes and people cutting their toenails too low.


Are ingrowing toenails serious?

If left untreated, and they become infected, the infection can spread to the rest of the toe and foot. The quicker you treat them the less painful the treatment.


What can I do to prevent ingrowing toenails?

Firstly, learn how to cut your toenails correctly. Use a large nail cutting tool because they have a smaller cutting blade but a longer handle. Cut your nails following the shape of the toe but don’t cut too low at the edge or down the side. The corner of the nail should be visible above the skin. Also cut them after a shower or bath when the nail is soft.

Good hygiene can go a long way to prevent ingrowing toenails. Avoid moist soggy feet by rotating your footwear. Choose socks and shoes made from natural fibres so that they breathe.

If you are particularly prone to ingrowing toenails from underlying problems such as gait your podiatrist may recommend correction of the underlying cause as well as a more permanent solution to treating the nail problem. Partial Nail Avulsion’s are done under local anaesthetic where a small section of nail is removed, so the nail becomes slightly narrower. A chemical is used to prevent the nail from regrowing along the offending edge. After surgery the overall appearance of the nail may look narrower but otherwise normal.


For more information about nail surgery click here... Nail Surgery

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