6 exercises to improve your core strength:
Move 1: Knee Fold Tuck
- Sit tall, hands on floor, knees bent, squeezing a playground ball between them. Lift knees so shins are about parallel to the floor; extend arms. Pull knees toward shoulders, keeping upper body still. Bring knees back to starting position.
- Repeat 15 to 20 times.
Move 2: Climbing Rope
- Sit with legs extended, feet turned out in a V position, toes pointed. Contract core muscles and roll spine into a C-curve. Lift arms and move them as if you were climbing a rope. Twist slightly with each reach.
- Do 20 reaches with each arm.
Move 3: Side Balance Crunch
- Begin with left knee and left hand on the floor, right arm straight up. Extend right leg so your body forms a straight line. Pull right knee toward torso and right elbow toward knee. Straighten arm and leg.
- Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.
Move 4: Circle Plank
- Start in a plank position with abs tight. Pull right knee in and circle it clockwise, then counter clockwise. Keep the rest of your body stationary.
- Repeat five times, then switch legs.
Move 5: Sliding Pike
- Begin in a plank on an uncarpeted floor, hands under shoulders and a towel under feet. With legs straight, raise hips and draw legs toward hands into a pike position—your feet should slide easily. Hold for one count, then return to start. Repeat 10 times.
Move 6: Oblique Reach
Sit with knees bent and feet on floor. Straighten right leg. Roll spine into a C-curve. Place left hand behind head and extend right arm. Twist body to the left, roll back a bit more (and hold for one count), then come up. Do five reps, then switch sides.