Keeping kids feet fit!
Children's foot health register.
Foot health care is much like a pension; the earlier you start looking after it the better. Good foot health should start in childhood. There can be little doubt that good foot health enhances quality of life. It becomes critically important as people move into old age by ensuring that they are able to stay independent and active for as long as possible.
Starting good health care early will help prevent foot-related problems later in life. Foot related problems are more common than you might expect. Research carried out on behalf of The College of Podiatry in March 2015 showed that 90 per cent of adults over the age of 18 experience some sort of foot problem. An alarming 20 per cent admitted to suffering with foot pain often or constantly. Despite this, only 23 per cent of people who have suffered a foot problem have sought professional help and 16 per cent admit to ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away.
Ensure your children have the best chance of avoiding these complaints by having their feet accurately measured and their shoes fitted by a qualified professional. While most parents recognise the need for correctly fitting shoes during a child’s early years of walking life, few realise that children’s feet remain vulnerable to ill-fitting shoes right through their school days, up to the age of 18 years or so. It is a concerning fact that many children suffer foot problems by their early teens, often associated with ill-fitting shoes. Yet if parents sustain vigilance throughout the young, growing foot’s 18 formative years, the vast majority of children’s foot problems will quite simply never happen.