1 Brightwell House , 40 Queens Road , Reading , RG1 4AU

Carrie Latham


Carrie is a most valued member of our team and held in high regard by us all she has been
employed by Brightwell Clinic for 6 years.
She has the wonderful ability to help our clinics run smoothly when we are under pressure
and is excellent on the phone, whether helping a new patient to understand what Brightwell
Clinic has to offer in terms of treatment plans and prices or rebooking existing patients with
some pleasant chat she is always polite and helpful. When it comes to fending off those calls
we all hate selling utilities she is firm and clear.
Carrie is trained to help us with sterilisation of instruments and to assist with nail surgery
and helps us clear up between patients when time allows. She is always helpful with ideas
and new innovations. She is a person who can truly multi task , whilst making the new
nervous patient in the waiting room feel welcome and at ease..
Carrie has four grown up children one still at home, her husband Tony works hard as a
builder so she is busy at home with housewife duties, and an elderly mother-in-law who
requires help. Carrie has three grandchildren she looks after one day a week.
As a non-driver Carrie walks a great deal to keep fit. She has a network of friends and loves
going to the theatre, watching films and generally socialising. Her holiday see her in exciting
We simply could not manage as we do without Carrie she is a strong support and good
friend to us all and is a big part of the team at Brightwell Clinic.

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